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Links checked 10-28-05
The Romance Reader
All About Romance (reviews,interviews with many favorite authors; updated All-Time Favorite Keepers page. And, for those looking for romances on sale next month, this month, and last month (including links to their reviews), you'll find that as well. Finally, don't forget there is SIX message boards.)
Biblioholics Anonymous
Paranormal Romance Site
Covers Covered by Carol
Romantic Book Cover Postcards
That Elusive Title
Romance Writers of America (searchable novel database - place, time, character name, etc.)
The Nonesuch, Resource for Regency Readers
Rana's World (of Books and Other Things)
Book Store Junkies (books, videos, etc. 1/2 price)
Gail's Welcome To My Library
Janey's Book Sale
My Shelf Books
Cyn's Trading Post
Ronda Thompson Interview "Scandalous" 12-00 Release
The Regency Lover's Cafe