Favorite Authors Spring Edition News and Bits Looking at the past month and the upcoming next three months, I find so many delicious sounding choices to make. Many of my favorite authors have books out, oh happy days!!! Patricia Veryan, author of my favorite Sanginet Saga, is being brought on board at Zebra. February 2000 will bring the release of her THE RIDDLE OF THE LOST LOVER. Patricia, "I'm busily engaged in plotting out my next book, which I'm tentatively calling THE RIDDLE OF THE SHIPWRECKED SPINSTER. This will be a Georgian. It is the story of Piers Cranford, Dimity's brother in LOVE ALTERS NOT. Shelly Thacker's INTO THE SUNSET is due in bookstores May 11th. The front cover is shown in March Edition of Favorite Authors. Candice Hern said, "early May should see the release of THE BEST INTENTIONS, even though it has a June publish date, you can order it on Amazon. com now" Julia Quinn's sequel to HOW TO CATCH A HEIRESS is out in the stores now. I found my copy of HOW TO MARRY A MARQUIS at Wal-Mart. Julie's next book, THE DUKE AND I, deals with a much more serious theme and plot than anything she has done in a long while, she commented. At her website, each book has it's own page and on each book page there is a section called "Inside the Story" where Julie talks about all the inside jokes and character connections. She hopes you all have a chance to take a look. Her link is on homepage of The Regency Lovers' Cafe. Don't forget Stephanie Lauren's SCANDAL'S BRIDE (The Bar Cynster#3) hit the shelves in February. Her new website is www.vicnet.net.au/~savink Christina Dodd is having a wonderful year. She will have nine books out in 1999! THE RUNAWAY PRINCESS is available now. (book cover shown in March Edition) Christina said, "In July, Avon is doing the spin-off of RUNAWAY PRINCESS, called SOMEDAY MY PRINCE. My editor thought up the title. In June, I'm in an anthology called SCOTTISH BRIDES with Karen Ranney, Julia Quinn and Stephanie Laurens. In September, I have reprints from Harper of MOVE HEAVEN AND EARTH, ONCE A KNIGHT and A KNIGH TO REMEMBER." Debra Dier is working on something a little different. A handsome Scottish ghost takes a woman back in time to met the love of her life - him! BEYOND FOREVER will be available in November she said. THE SORCERER'S LADY is due mid-March. Sabrina Jeffries, "THE FORBIDDEN LORD is in stores, kept me glued to the finish. This is the sequel to THE PIRATE LORD. THE DANGEROUS LORD will be the third in the series. Karen Harbaugh's MISS CARLYLE'S CURRICLE in May will not have any paranormal or fantasy elements, she said. "It is a 'howdunit'. That is, it's pretty apparent whodunit, but you have to guess how it was done." Barbara Metzger and Lynn Kerstan have been signed with Signet. Lynn also writes historicals for Harper Collins. Lynn Kerstan's next book is LORD DRAGONER'S WIFE (Signet November 1999), Lynn said, "Next, I mean to write a complete historical set in 1823 England". Diana Farr's FAIR GAME is due out October by Signet. You can take a sneak peek at her website http://members.aol.com/dianafarr/romance/index.htm Diana's next book FALLING FOR CHLOE is due out spring 2000. Susan Carroll's THE NIGHT DRIFTER is the sequel to THE BRIDE FINDER. Jean Ross Ewing's FLOWERS UNDER ICE is set in the Scottish Highlands 1816. (Berkeley August 1999.) TAMING RAFE (the title of this is a must buy - grin) is the sequel to Suzanne Enoch's BY LOVE UNDONE. This is the story of Rafe Bancroft, the younger son of th Duke of Highbarrow. "July sees the reissue of my THE DIABOLICAL BARON", commented Mary Jo Putney
. August brings us Mary Jo's new hardcover THE WILD CHILD from Ballantine. Also coming from Signet is THE BARGAIN (Mary Jo has rewritten this as a historical version of THE WOULD-BE WIDOW.) Mary Balogh has ONE NIGHT FOR LOVE .(Dell) A little more information on Monique Ellis' book DAUNTRY'S DILEMMA. This is the sequel to AN UNCOMMON GOVERNESS and is the first book to link the characters in her Fortescue Series (The Fortescue Diamond, Delacy's Angel, The Lady and The Spy, The Marquess Lends A Hand and The Colonel's Courtship) with The North's Irregulars (An Uncommon Governess and Dauntry's Dilemma). The characters mentioned from the Fortescue series were Daphne Cheltenham, Giles Fortescue , Lucinda Connardsleigh, and Christo Debenham. Monique said, "most of the novels and novellas are linked directly or indirectly. For example, the Watford Blacks (hunters from the stud where "The Schooling of A Rake" is set) show up constantly once they make their first appearance." Kat Martin's NIGHT SECRETS is a May release. Deborah Simmon's ROBBER BRIDE is out in stores. I picked up a copy and it looks very interesting. All her Regency books are on my keeper shelves. This will be my first venture with her into another time period. WICKED ANGEL is Julia London's sequel to THE DEVIL'S LOVE, due out May from Dell. June Calvin's newest is SIEGE OF HEARTS (Signet July) Below is the current and upcoming releases of many of my favorite authors. What a wish list!!!
Nancy Bulter/THE RAKE'S RETREAT (Signet) Allison Lane/A BIRD IN HAND (Signet) Monique Ellis/DAUNTRY'S DILEMMA (Zebra) Alana Clayton/THE HEADSTRONG HEART (Zebra) Lindsay Randall/A DANGEROUS COURTSHIP (Zebra) A MATCH FOR MOTHER, anthology (Zebra) Julia Quinn/HOW TO MARRY A MARQUIS (Avon) Elizabeth Thornton/WHISPERS HIS NAME (Bantam) Debra Dier/THE SORCERER'S LADY (Leisure/Lovespell) Jeanne Savery/THE WIDOWED MISS MORDAUNT (Zebra) Nancy Lawrence/MISS HAMILTON'S HERO (Zebra) Isabelle Patrick/A DARK STRANGER (Zebra) Kate Huntington/THE CAPTAIN'S COURTSHIP (Zebra) Melinda McRae/THE UNREPENTANT RAKE (Signet) Margaret Summerville/GENTLEMAN JACK (Signet) Victoria Malvey/ENCHANTED (SNNT) Eve Bryon/MY LORD STRANGER Patricia Grasso/NO DECENT GENTLEMAN (Dell) Elizabeth Mansfield/PASSING FANCIES (reissue Jove) Christina Dodd/THE RUNAWAY PRINCESS (Avon) Stephanie Laurens/SCANDAL'S BRIDE (Avon) Barbara Dawson Smith/TOO WICKED TO LOVE (St. Martins Press April Kihlstrom/THE RECKLESS BARRISTER (Signet) Linda Needham/THE WEDDING NIGHT (Avon) Sandra Heath/MARIGOLD'S MARRIAGE (Signet) Nadine Miller/A TOUCH OF MAGIC (Signet) Gayle Buck/THE CHESTER CHARADE (Signet) Valerie King/MY LADY MISCHIEF (Zebra) Regina Scott/THE BLUESTOCKING ON HIS KNEE (Zebra) Lynn Collum/LADY MIRANDA'S MASQUERADE (Zebra) Katherine Kingsley/THE SOUND OF SNOW (Dell) Deborah Simmons/ROBBER BRIDE (HH)
Julia London/WICKED ANGEL (Dell) Karen Harbaugh/MISS CARLYLE'S CURRICLE (Signet) ONCE UPON A KISS, anthology (Zebra) Johanna Lindsey/JOINING (Avon) Lisa Kleypas/SOMEONE TO WATCH OVER ME (Avon) Elaine Fox/THE IMPOSTER (Dorchester) Candance Camp/SWEPT AWAY (Mira) Andrea Pickens/THE HIRED HERO (Signet) Candice Hern/THE BEST INTENTIONS (Signet) Patricia Ryan/SILKEN THREADS (Topaz) Susan Carroll/THE NIGHT DRIFTER (Ballantine) Cindy Holbrook/THE WEDDING GHOST (Zebra) Dorothea Donley/A DOUBTING LADY (Zebra) Hayley Ann Solomon/SEDUCING LORD SINCLAIR (Zebra) SUMMER KITTENS, anthology (Zebra) Judith Lansdowne/ANNABELLA'S DIAMOND (Zebra) Marcy Stewart/THE BRIDEGROOM AND THE BABY (Zebra) Martha Kirkland/A GENTLEMAN'S DECEPTION (Zebra) Click to subscribe to WBS |